Translate Your Angular App

Works with ngx-translate and Transloco

Start translating

Translation of i18n JSON Locales

Use Simpleen to machine translate your Angular i18n JSON locales from your software project. It can be customized with a glossary and either used directly or via the API.

Simply copy/paste your JSON data from one language into our In-App Translate and receive instant results. Simpleen manages the correct handling of the format, the interpolation, the context and the glossary.

Save time and money in your multilingual projects by using Simpleen.

Angular i18n Logos
  "welcome_message": "Hi {username}",
  "popular_links": "Popular Links",
  "ecosystem": "Ecosystem",
  "pages": {
    "about": "About you",
    "blog": "Tech-Blog"
  "welcome_message": "ハイ {username}",
  "popular_links": "人気のあるリンク",
  "ecosystem": "エコシステム",
  "pages": {
    "about": "あなたについて",
    "blog": "技術ブログ"

More Technologies & i18n Libraries

Translation of i18n Ruby on Rails locales
Logo React compatible libraries for machine translation
Translation of Markdown files
Translation of Vue i18n locales

Logo Simpleen - Home

Simpleen is a localization tool to translate i18n files from your App, Game or Software.

Entirely independent & self-funded.